Wednesday, January 27, 2010

5 Tips on Simple Dreams

  1. Have a sit down with your husband, or your family and decide together what your dreams are as a family.  Work on a plan to fulfill those dreams, and work together to try and make them a reality.
  2. Take a journal and write down the ways in which you are living the dream.  If you would like, put in a place where you can read over it periodically.
  3. Have a sit down as a family and discuss the difference between interests, hobbies, and dreams.  Specifically how to prioritize them in one’s heart.
  4. Carry out something that might have historically been part of this country's dream.  For example, go out and work the land, decorate a piece of your house, etc.  Don’t forget to take the time afterwards to notice the simple accomplishment.
  5. Find a mother around you and share with her your feelings of how she is living the dream.

It felt so invigorating to complete some of the tips from last week and feel that in some places there were some women trying to do the same.  We got the flue at my house this week so I did not get to go to my community center, but will be doing that next week.  Did anyone have any experiences from last week they want to share?

Yours truly,

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