1. Choose an area of your life where you wish you had stronger limits. Some might include your budget, eating habits, entertainment programming or schedule, etc. Set some goals to help yourself build moderation in that area.
2. Grab a journal and make 2 columns. Title the first one: Limitations, and the other: Joys. In the first column, list the things that you feel are limitations in your role as a mother, and in the other column list all the joys and contributions that come in the same role. Try to list more in the joys and contributions column than in the limitations column.
3. While driving, shopping, watching TV, or doing any other daily activity, identify 5 ways in which we are receiving the message, “Push the Boundaries” or “Extend your Limits.” Talk with a sister or a friend about what you notice, and discuss how moderation is a better answer.
4. Search online and find a positive quote about moderation. Write down your feelings about the quote and share them with someone.
5. Find a way to teach children to understand what moderation is and why it is important.
Yours Truly

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